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Sophie Boyce

February 2024

There was a lot more poetry at our second meeting last night. It seemed to work really well having a structure to follow despite someone (yours truly) leaving the optional prompts at home on the printer. Poetry evenings are odd things. Once you've been to a few it can feel like you've been to them all but they have a funny way of surprising you with the subjects that come up in the poems and the discussions they create. Last night we travelled from Swindon landmarks such as Wroughton, the Ridgeway, Steam and the Health Hydro, to Guell Park in Barcelona and Tabriz in East Azerbaijan. We talked about mosaic benches, ghosts of the past and, dementia, John Cooper Clarke and penny universities, Salvador Dali's car, plumbing problems, tins of mouldy tuna and more.

It was lovely to meet a new face, and welcome back yet more friends from Poetry Swindon past. I've included a picture below of the optional prompts as they should have appeared, and will be more prepared as I plan for next month.


We meet next on Wednesday 6th March 2024, 7-9pm, at Lower Shaw Farm.

The proposed structure for the night is as follows:

7-7:15pm - Welcome and Greetings

7:15-7:50pm - Quiet reading and writing time with optional prompts and exercises available

7:50-8pm - A quick break to refill our drinks and move to the comfy chairs

8pm-9pm - Informal sharing of poetry - bring something of your own or another poet’s work that you would like to share and discuss.

Please bring 5-10 printed copies of anything you would like to share, especially if you would like discussion or critique around it.

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Updates will also be posted to our website and Facebook page.

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